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The PlayStation 3 (officially abbreviated as PS3) is a home video game console developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is the successor to PlayStation 2, and is part of the PlayStation brand of consoles. PlayStation - Wikipedia The PlayStation Vita consists of games available on both its physical media, the PlayStation Vita card and digital download from the PlayStation Store. PlayStation Portable system software - Wikipedia The PlayStation Portable system software is the official firmware for the PlayStation Portable. It uses the XrossMediaBar (XMB) as its user interface, similar to the PlayStation 3 console.

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i only have vice city stories on the vita..and i love it.. missed out on the psp entirely so being able to play a full fledged gta game in my hands is amazing..

GTA PS Vita - A en croire le revendeur, la Vita devrait accueillir bientôt de nouveaux épisodes de GTA, Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy et Tales of. Rien que ça. which gta game should i download for the vita ... i only have vice city stories on the vita..and i love it.. missed out on the psp entirely so being able to play a full fledged gta game in my hands is amazing.. GTA 5 PS4 - Jeux vidéo - Achat & prix | fnac

PlayStation Portable system software - Wikipedia

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